Gestation - March 11, 2023


Welcome to my personal blog where I’ll be oversharing my personal thoughts and opinions, I guess it makes sense to just talk about things I like. Or things I don’t.

It’s a strange feeling, tapping away at a keyboard about things that people may never see, or the ones that would see already know me well enough to know that this isn’t REALLY me talking.

That’s… kinda the point though. It’s taken a long enough time to come to terms with all sorts of things about myself, and beginning a life of someone who pushes themselves to generate enough interesting things to keep the lights on seems daunting and overwhelming. Hopefully this helps a bit.

So for everyone here that doesn’t know me:

  • video games are pretty great and i talk about them a lot.

  • blue raspberry flavor is really good.

  • i want to hold myself accountable for making as much as i can. to share.

  • too self-aware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whatever shape or form this ends up taking is still up in the air. I really need to justify paying what I do for my online services that can feel intangible, or at least miniscule compared to the conveyer belt of information that is constantly being blown our way.

Part of me hopes that this will take off and I can present myself as the yuppie scarf-clad-round-framed-glasses-wearing internet author whose musings are both relatable yet interesting enough to somehow pay for all the Moscato and chai tea I would be drinking.

I guess that sounds nice.

I met with a friend yesterday. He is an author that has made a splash in the circles he inhabits. We caught up over vegan food and some cocktails with long-winded names what we had been up to the past couple months. It has only been a short time since we had graduated in the same class from art school, but we both felt ancient reminiscing on the time we had spent around each other for so long.

Feeling simultaneously so young and so old in the transitional point we are living in; the post graduation ennui. I’m going to be honest, I don’t know what’s next for me, but I’ve heard that’s what makes it exciting? It’s hard, wondering what you really want. A life of breezy detached relaxation? To endure the crucible of contemporary conflict on the front lines? Often I find myself too overwhelmed to consider even doing something like this. Sharing my thoughts on my tiny little digital island.

Maybe I should be proud of myself I’m starting this now. Yeah, that sounds like a good attitude to have.

It doesn’t really matter to me who you are reading this. A friend, family, or a complete stranger. I just hope you can think of me in this space as someone worth the bandwidth I take up on your device.

So to shatter the metaphorical champagne bottle, this is Viv making her first mark on the Blog Corner; for better or for worse.

Take Care!